Merger and Acquisitions

With the increase in number of deals in the recent past, merger and acquisition has become essential for achieving growth by a business organisation. Rationalization in shareholding and reduction in multi-layer structures has also become trendy between Indian promoter group organisations.

Indian Government is also making frequent amendments in the law to address the practical challenges faced while doing the corporate restructuring and curb the erstwhile loopholes in the regulation.

Tax and Regulatory are major factors while contemplating any M&A Transaction and at times they could prove to be a deal breaker for the company. Specifically while dealing with family owned corporations, restructuring of inter corporate holdings, succession of business, Tax and Regulatory obtains a significance importance.

We, at Acumen, have the expertise to provide you support during the conceptualization phase of the restructuring where we will hold discussion with the management to understand the rationale behind the transaction, existing structure of the Target companies, commercial objective, due diligence, other consideration etc.

We have sufficient experience in implementation of the structure identified by the client such as obtaining approval of the Tribunal for Mergers, De-mergers, Capital Reduction etc., approval from the SEBI, RBI and other secteral regulators.


We can also assist you in post-merger integration services where we will perform the stamp duty adjudication, mutation of immovable property, issuance of new shares, transfer of tax credits, filing of revised returns etc.

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